Posts Tagged ‘comments from friends’

Scott Richter divorce file shows NOTHING to suggest an affair but the National Enquirer has now named Brad Hanson as the secret love of Sarah Palin.  The Enquirer story is after the jump.    You can read more about Hanson here:  Brad Hanson New Character onon “As the Palins Turn”

The  98-page divorce file shows that the Palins are only mentioned in Richter’s motion to seal the records.  (Also, see a copy of the motion after the jump.)

According to the motion, Richter wanted the documents deemed confidential to keep reporters/media/press from obtaining details about his address, workplace, and phone numbers because “reporters and news agencies” were using that information to contact him. 

Richter, a 39-year-old contractor, noted that he is “friends and land owners in a remote cabin” with the Palins and, as a result, journalists were intruding on the “cabin life and private life” of him and his 11-year-old son. The petition to dissolve the marriage was filed jointly last July by Richter and his ex-wife, who were not represented by lawyers. A judge granted the dissolution less than two months after the couple filed to end their marriage.


Debbie Richter says that it wasn’t her ex that had an affair with VP Barbie, Sarah Palin. The ex-wife of a man some have suggested may have had an affair with Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin says it’s “absolutely, completely false” that her ex had an affair with Ms. Sarah.

What's the Difference? Close Enough

“I can tell you this with 1,000 percent certainty, Sarah Palin never had an affair,” said Debbie Richter when reached on Friday afternoon.

The rumor that her now ex-husband, Scott Richter, had an affair with Sarah Palin gained momentum after the National Enquirer reported she had been romantically involved with one of Todd Palin’s former business associates.

The John McCain-Sarah Palin campaign threatened to sue over the story.

The National Enquirer has at least hinted that Palin had an affair with a former business associate of Todd Palin.

It would be easy to dismiss as pure tabloid trash, but this next piece of information makes the latest Palin scandal at least a little intriguing.As we posted yesterday, Debbie’s ex filed an emergency motion on Wed. to have their divorce records sealed. 

“As soon as he realized that there was going to be a barrage of media inquiries, he went to the court house in his little town and requested that our divorce information be sealed,” she told Us.

“The reason he did that is he just doesn’t want his financial information hanging around out there in the wind,” she said. “It caused some speculation that he had something to hide and he doesn’t really have anything to hide except that he’s just a private person.”

When asked how she would describe Palin, Debbie responded by saying she is “driven, committed to public service, determined and not easily swayed from her goal.”

“If she wants something her way and she has an opinion about it, that’s the way it’s going to be for her,” Debbie added.

The Palins and Richters own property on Safari Lake together, according to Matanuska-Susitna Borough property records that we linked to in earlier posts.

Meanwhile, other sources are saying that Palmer High School Hockey Coach and Hockey Mom Lover Brad Hanson is the man who the National Enquirer is going to break as Sarah’s “secret affair” partner.   You can see his photo and infor in our posts from late yesterday evening.


We snagged this ditty with thanks from “Vantwerp Calling.”

The posted a verified reader letter/comment from Anne Kilkenny, a Wasilla, Alaska, woman who has known the honorable governor personally since 1992.

Quote from

I am a resident of Wasilla, Alaska. I have known Sarah since 1992. Everyone here knows Sarah, so it is nothing special to say we are on a first-name basis. Our children have attended the same schools. Her father was my child’s favorite substitute teacher. I also am on a first name basis with her parents and mother-in-law. I attended more City Council meetings during her administration than about 99% of the residents of the city.

MORE AFTER THE JUMP  (PS – Yes, that’s Tina Faye but what’s the difference?)
