Archive for the ‘sarah palin’ Category

I’m sorry but Sarah Palin is H-O-T even clad in a simple grey T-shirt and cargo pants.    And, who is that stalking her, ever so close behind?   Oh, it’s Greta Van Sustran lurking behind as Sarah smiles at the cholera patient in the Bermuda shorts, reclining in a nice little tent hospital.  

Isn’t Greta a lesbian?  My instincts say that “yes, Great VanSustran is a lesbian.”   However, my instincts . . . perhaps I should go to a reliable media source.   “Greta Van Sustran is not a lesbian according to her long time spouse John P. Coale. Thanks ChaCha.”

Anyway, if she were a lesbian and she were stuck with Sarah Palin in some hot, sticky country like Haiti and if she had never had breasts implants (see prior story on celesbian killer boobs), Greta might want to consider putting her best lines on Sarah.    “Sarah, what did you think of Meghan McCain’s book ‘Dirty Sexy Politics'”?  What about her boobs, do you think they are intimidating or cute, perky and non-threatening”?     “I know that you can see Russia from your window, but you could see the stars from my bed.”    “Sarah, here in Haiti, you remind me of one of those ladies in the Van Halen videos.  Why don’t you who take off your glasses, shake out your hair . . . and I just happen to have brought a pair of high heels and a bikini.   Sarah, I’m talkin’ bout some major DRILLING in Alaska.  Do you follow?”

Oh, well – first Oprah’s not a lesbian and now Cha Cha says that Greta’s husband claims that Greta is not a lesbian . . . 

Guess I’ll have to save my best lesbo mo-jo Sarah Palin pickup lines to use myself . . . next time I’m stuck in Haiti with Sarah Palin.

Lesbian Lite Drew Barrymore Loves the Ladies and Obama

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This is a long post.  I hope that you will read it.  I’ve finally come to terms with who John McCain is and who John McCain has always been.   And tell me, who are today’s men of integrity in the leadership of the Republican party?   Other than Senator Chuck Hagel from Nebraska, I honestly can’t think of one.  

So actually, it’s not just the Christian right catching on, I’m beginning to catch on too.  I have been shaking my head thinking that this isn’t the John McCain I had admired for years.  Well, maybe John McCain was never the man made by the media.   Reality has slapped me in the face seeing how easily we (including me) can be manipulated into accepting the media’s version of a politician’s history.

John McCain first came to Congress in 1982, not long after my father died.  My father was a hardcore Republican, retired from the Army after 32 years and one of the best fathers ever.  He was honest, hard-working, believed in the American system, made us watch all presidential annoucements (sit still, be quiet, and listen “the president is on”), helped out the neighbors, took time for his kids and he loved my mother dearly.   So I always thought that John McCain was like my dad.  Although I’m a hardcore Democrat – I always thought that if only a guy like McCain would head the Republican ticket . . . maybe . . . ?

My dad loved Barry Goldwater.  Another man that I imagined to be like my father.   You see my father – although a good man was also a bigot.   He had no time for silly topics like homosexuals or civil rights.  People basically needed to fall in line according to his way of thinking.   However, good Republican men like Barry Goldwater provided objective evidence that a good man like my father would also change his bigoted opinions as he gained more facts.   Unfortunately my father died in 1981.   He never said that it was “OK” that I’m a lesbian but before his death I could feel and see the flicker of understanding that was starting to grow.

The photo is is of Sen. Barry Goldwater, on the right, as he poses with his running mate William Miller at the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco.  I was 5 years old.  Miller was one of the prosecuters at the Nuremberg trials. Miller is the only practicing Catholic to have been nominated for national office by the Republican Party.  Mabye McCain picked Sarah Palin because she was baptized a Catholic?  And we thought it was her gender. 

By the mid-1980’s Republican men like Barry Goldwater were getting fed up with the increasing influence of the crazed far-right Christians on the Republican party.   You see my father didn’t have much use for them either.  

Anyway, Goldwater eventually became an outspoken defender of gay rightsSo even though my father didn’t live to make that change – I know that he would have because of men like Barry Goldwater and John McCain.

I’ve been a little shaken by the extreme nature of John McCain’s campaign.  Obviously the man is desperate to be president and that’s why he endangered the country by picking Sarah Palin as his running mate; but in my experience men like Barry Goldwater and my father would have never lowered themselves to this level.

However, when reading a post that I wrote back on September 16 and reading the Times gambling investigation I realized that John McCain was NEVER like Barry Goldwater or my father.  

John McCain has always been a cocky, shoot from the hip, gambling, womanizing, self-centered, power-hungry Republican.  

Today the papers are full of the stories about John McCain’s history of gambling (up to 14 hours a day at times) and his history of working with the casino lobbyists.   Here are a couple of quotes from one of the articles:

“We’ve known for a while of John McCain’s childhood connection to the region, where he lived for a short period when his father was serving a stint here as a Navy submarine commander. But it wasn’t until the results of a New York Times investigation were published earlier this week that we learned the extent of McCain’s involvement with another mainstay of eastern Connecticut culture, our casinos.”

“Of course more troubling than the disclosures in The Times story this week of McCain’s gambling in a Connecticut casino was the suggestion that he used his position as chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee to help lobbyists working to stop a third tribal casino in Connecticut.”

Now the big question is will McCain’s gambling ties hurt him with the Christian right-wingers.  In fact, check out this article from a CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) blog which describes the new Democratic National Committee’s ad featuring McCain’s gambling.    It’s written by David Brody of The Brody File.  Here is how the article ends:

“The DNC knows that McCain’s so called penchant for gambling can hurt him among some social conservatives. It may not play well with other strongly religious voters as well. Indeed, the last thing McCain needs is another problem with the Evangelical base. In this case, the gambling issue could most likely trump the lobbyist issue. I mean it’s not like he’s playing the lottery or bingo or a quick 25 cents slot machine. This is high stakes gambling we’re talking about. Then you throw in the lobbyist angle and you have a dangerous credibility issue. Will voters buy it and will it stick? Does this bother you?”

Here is the DNC video.  A link was provided in the Christian Broadcast Network blog entry:


What follows is my post from September 16, 2008.   Let’s just hope that the Christian Right is also waking up to the man we’ve all called an American hero. 


“Suppose Barack Obama had dumped a crippled wife and married a beer heiress one month after the divorce.  Don’t you think he wouldn’t have been tripped up by such a scandalous past?  The Republicans would have had a field day mocking his character. But John McCain’s tawdry personal history is rarely mentioned.”

Quote From CHICAGO SUN-TIMES COLUMN SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 by Mary Mitchell/Sun-Times

John McCain with the family he left

Actually, from the dates that I’ve seen, McCain obtained a marriage license to marry Cindy before the divorce was final . . . heaven forbid we talk about that with the family values crowd.

McCain did not sue his wife for divorce until Feb. 19, 1980.   McCain obtained an Arizona marriage license with Cindy on March 6, 1980, while still legally married to his first wife.  The divorce was granted April 2, 1980, and he wed Cindy “My Outfit Cost $300,000” Hensley in a private ceremony on May 17, 1980.

Friends of the McCains such as Nancy and Ronald Reagan were not happy with what John McCain did to his first wife.  Cleary the Reagans had good reason to feel this way.

Here is what John McCain’s been quoted as saying about meeting Cindy.

She was lovely, intelligent and charming, 17 years my junior but poised and confident. I monopolized her attention the entire time, taking care to prevent anyone else from intruding on our conversation. When it came time to leave the party, I persuaded her to join me for drinks at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. By the evening’s end, I was in love.”

But he WAS MARRIED with small children at home at the time of this romantic encounter.  Shorter version of story:   I was a dirty old man (as I still am) husband and father.  One night I got really horny when I saw this girl almost young enough to be my daughter.  So I immediately asked her to go to a hotel with me.  I thought it was the usual one night stand but when I found out she was rich I decided to dump my wife and kids.

I also don’t get why no one speaks of Cindy McCain’s history as a drug addict stealing from a medical charity.   The woman is RICH and well-connected.   She didn’t have to steal.   The fact that she’s a recovering addict really is no big deal – I mean Sarah Palin’s teenage son is apparently a recovering addict – in the scheme of things. 


Some say that Democrats should not talk about Cindy McCain’s history of drug addiction.   Fine.  Can we talk about having the first admitted thief as First Lady?  

My in-laws go on and on with their FOX News induced claim that Michelle Obama doesn’t love America.

Yet, we know very little about the made-up tranny mess Cindy McCain and her history of drug addiction and stealing from A MEDICAL CHARITY!  In fact, I’m not sure that the in-laws even know about Cindy McCain’s past. 

Guess it all comes down to this . . . if you’re the party of family values you can head your ticket with a guy who left his crippled wife for a trophy millionare tranny mess (also a thieving drug addict) and then top off your ticket with the mother of not only a pregnant teenage daughter but of a recovering addict teenage son . . . and your family values crowd won’t even notice  . . .  

Hey, but if you’re a politician who supports a family like mine (2 moms and a boy) .  .  .  the “family values” folks won’t be able to vote for you.   

All I can say is that McCain and Palin are the best advertisement yet for some form of government other than representational democracy.    

Are Civics/Government classes mandatory in any state’s public educational system?

Mrs. John McCain
Mrs. John McCain.  Hard working mother dumped for rich girl 17 years younger than John McCain.

John McCain and His Blonde Rich Young Trophy Wife








And there you have it.  Everything that Sarah Palin said after the presidential debate last night.

UPDATE SEPTEMBER 24, 2008 FROM THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER (YEP, IT’S HANSON), AFTER THE JUMP:  In a world exclusive The NATIONAL ENQUIRER names GOP VP Candidate Sarah Palin’s secret lover  

First, please note from the screen shot in our last post that former business partner Scott Richter is the individual filing a motion to have his divorce records sealed.   Ah, but there’s more .  .  .

Second, we just had a comment from an individual in Palmer, Alaska who brings up some legit points and so I’ll share it in the main post by way of this update:

Business ended because after 3 years of no snow brad and todd decided to get out of the snowmachine bidness. there was no affair and the palins and hansons continue to be friends and business partners to this day.
I’m learning, as our little guv glows in the spotlight,that everything that comes to the national media is probably b.s. the old saying don’t believe anything you hear is absolutely true.

Comment by brvak | September 8, 2008 <!– @ 3:16 am –>| Edit


The Sarah Palin, VP Barbie, soap opera is getting better than the Jerry Springer show.  Let’s hope that it doen’t end like the episode of the show entitled “Secret Mistresses Confronted”.  Hours after the show was broadcast on July 24, 2000, Ms. Campbell-Panitz was found dead in a home that the three Springer guests were fighting over.

We’re trying to verify information and so will update shortly but here is our newest cast member:  Brad Hanson from the City of Palmer, Alaska

So far I have been able to resist any and all potential lesbian remarks related to his facial hair; however, keep in mind that Sarah was a point guard, loves to shoot guns, and has been photographed many times wearing both a baseball cap and do-rag.

Note to reporters: The City of Palmer currently has 2 job openings:

(1) Maintenance
Deadline:Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 5:00 PM

(2) Public Works Director
Deadline:Friday, September 26, 2008 at 5:00 PM

Photo of Hanson and more after the jump.


Please check out number 7 of the comments and note that there are links to Palin’s church, to the Master Commission site of the Wasilla church and to the video of Palin’s speeech on June 8 to the Master Commission students.

We need God taking over our education system! – In this new video, available only as of September 23, 2008, Sarah Palin is shown accepting a special supernatural protection from witchcraft from Kenyan pastor Thomas Muthee, who also promoted Palin’s campaign for Governor as a way to infiltrate the government with the right wing religious agenda of the Assembly of God.  Boo! Crazy!

This is Thomas Muthee with Sarah Palin at the Wasilla Assembly of God in October, 2005, where he prayed over Palin and called upon Jesus to put Palin into the governor’s seat and beyond. Muthee also prayed for Jesus to protect Palin from “the spirit of witchcraft.” The video archive of that startling sermon was scrubbed from Wasilla Assembly of God’s website.

Here is a transcript and the video:

Thomas Muthee
October 11, 2005

In a moment, I’ll be asking you that we pray for Sarah, and I’ll tell you the reason why. When we talk about transformation of a community, we are talking about God invading seven areas in our society. Let me repeat that one more time. When we talk about transformation of a society, a community, it’s where we see God’s Kingdom infiltrate, influence seven areas in our society.

Number one is the spiritual aspect of our society. Mainly, the church for a long has just concentrated on that dimension, whereby we simply want people saved, we want them to go to heaven, we want them delivered, and that’s it. But I’ll tell you something: if all we do is come to the church and get people saved and then they go, I don’t think much will happen in our society.

So the second area whereby God wants to penetrate in our society is in the economic area. The Bible says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. It is high time that we have top Christian businessmen, businesswomen, bankers, you know, who are men and women of integrity, running the economics of our nations. That’s what we are waiting for. That’s part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the Israelites, you know, that’s how they won. And that’s how they are, even today. When we will see that, you know, the talk transport us in the lands. We see, you know, the bankers. We see the people holding the paths. They are believers. We will not have the kind of corruption that we are hearing in our societies.

So we go to the third area, it’s in the area of politics. Tell your neighbor, “politics.” Do you know what I discovered? This is funny. The people who actually split churches, they have the gift of politics, but they are exercising it in the wrong place. That’s what I came to know. There are people who are wired to politics because God wants to take the political, you know, dimension of our societies. And those people should be prayed for. That’s why I was, you know, I was so glad to see Sarah here. We should pray for her, we should back her up. And, you know, come the day of voting, we should be there, not just praying, we should be there. And I’m saying this because that’s what I’m telling our church. I’m telling them that we need this in Parliament. In here is what you call Congressmen, you know, you know, the, the Governors, we need the bretheren right inside there. Is anybody hearing me?

You know, because who will change the laws of the lands? The problem is do we just pray, but we do nothing about it. If the believers had not done something in this country, your president would not be in office today. Yes or no? Am I right?

Number three, or number four, it’s the area of education. We need believers who are educationists. If we had them, today we would not be talking about the Ten Commandments being kicked out of the church, I mean out of our schools. They would still be there. One of the things that you, you know, I would love you to know, I’m a child of revival of the Seventies, and that revival swept through the schools. They are open to preaching, you know, open. Open. Wide open. You go to any school, there is what we call Christian Union. Christian Union is nothing more but a bunch of kids that are born again, spirit-filled, tongue-talking, devil-casting. Is anybody hearing me? All over the country! Is anybody hearing me?

We need God taking over our education system! Otherwise, we, if we have God in our schools, we will not have kids being taught, you know, how to worship Buddha, how to worship Mohammed, we will not have in the curriculum witchcraft and sorcery. Is anybody hearing me?

The other area is in the area of media. We need believers in the media. We need God taking over the media in our lands. Otherwise we will not have all the junk coming out of, you know, coming out of the media. And not only that, we need God t___ [period of silence in video]. Why can’t we have our living church in Hollywood? Guess what will happen. If we have a living church right in Hollywood, we would not have all the kind of pornography that we are having. Is anybody hearing me?

And the last area is in the area of government. Hello? We need believers there. We need men and women of integrity. You know, as the Secretaries of State. We need them right there. People that are born again, spirit filled, people who know God, and people who are serious with God.

So in a moment if you do not mind, I’ll ask, you know, even before I go to do this thing, you know, I’ll ask Sarah, would you mind to come please? Would you mind? Come, please. Let’s all stand up, and let’s hold hands all over this house. Come, Pastor, come.

[Sarah Palin comes to the stage in front of the congregation. Sarah Palin bows her head stretches her forearms forward and places the palms of her hands upward. Thomas Muthee lays hands on Sarah Palin’s head. Pastor Ed Kalnin and unidentifed man lay hands on Sarah Palin’s shoulders.]

Thank you, Jesus. Let’s all pray. Let’s pray for Sarah. Hallelujah! Come on, hold your hands up and raise them. Hold them and raise them up here! Come on, talk to God about this woman! Come on, talk to God about this woman we declare favor from today. We say favor, favor, favor! We say praise my God! We say grace to be rained upon her in the name of Jesus. My God, you make your judgement, you make room. You make ways in the desert, and I’m asking you today, we are asking you as the body of Christ in this valley, make a way for Sarah, even in the [inaudible]. Make her way my God. Bring finances her way, even in the campaign in the name of Jesus, and above all give her the personnel, give her men and women that will back her up in the name of Jesus. We want righteousness in this state. We want righteousness in this nation. Because you say [inaudible] in the name of Jesus. Our Father, use her to turn this nation the other way around. Use her to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers so that the curse that has been there long can be broken. In the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you today. We come in the hindrance of the enemy, standing in her way to there. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus! Every form of witchcraft, it will be rebuked in the name of Jesus. Father, make her way now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Let’s all be seated.

[Sarah Palin returns to her seat.]

The woman simply is nuts.  This video is amazing.   A potential VP being annointed by  a witch exorcist.We also have the video of Sarah Palin at the church this summer when she claims that Muthee’s praying over her helped her win the election for Governor.  

Check out the earlier article of ours about Palin and the video of Palin speaking about the importance of Muthee’s praying over her. 

Click HERE

Please invest 12 minutes of your time to watch this video about the national and global farce of Sarah Palin as VP. 

In response to Palin’s supporters’ claim that Palin’s experience is similar to other VPs here is an exhaustive comparison of Governor Palin’s experience as compared with every other Vice President in U.S. history.

Pass it on to your conservative friends to drive them crazy.

Palin’s Experience in Just 12 Minutes

Andrew Sullivan sums it up this way:

The Palin nomination is without historical precedent for her total lack of any alient qualifications as well as her refusal to engage the press in any meaningful way in a national election campaign. Truly surreal and utterly without precedent. Just listen to Lessig go through the history of the vice-presidents. Palin’s candidacy is a national and global farce.


Go to Two Lesbos Goin At It to read the actual script from the film “Who’s Nailin Paylin.”  Yes – you read it right.  And you thought porn movies are made without scripts, didn’t you?


A picture of Sarah Palin from 1995 at her Wasilla City Council desk is raising some questions.   Check out the magazine article on the top of Sarah Palin’s desk.   You can see the enlarged version below. 

(After the jump some interesting photos of Palin that you probably have not seen)

Palin Posing with John Birch Society Article

It’s an article on the “Con Con Call.”  I’ve read the article.  It’s a drawn out sneaky snake novel type article claiming that a states’ conference to be held back in the 90’s was actually a secret squirrel plot to call a Constitutional Convention and take away rights from the people and the states. 

After the jump some interesting Sarah Palin wearing her religion, gang sign and weird pink outfit again photographs that you probably have not seen:


Well, she did what a mom usually does.   When Sarah Palin had her photo op with Afghan President Hamid Karzai she asked . . . music . . . drum roll . . . what his son’s name is and she replied “oh, nice.”  And, that my readers sums up Sarah Palin’s intense and dramatic meeting with a world leader.   

Yes, seems the good ol’ boys don’t trust the little girl.  First they allow her to use girl debate rules and now girl meet the men of the world press rules.

What to say . . . ?

What to say . . . ?

By all accounts (primarly WSJ’s Elizabeth Holmes)  the dog and pony show reached “comical levels” as McCain’s boys tried to keep the girl VP from media questions.   (In contrast, Joe Biden has done more than 80 interviews with local and national media since the Democrats held their national convention late last month.)

NOTE:  After CNN threatened not to film (and show the free pr – a “photo spray”) Sarah Palin meeting world leaders, McCain finally allowed 1 media rep in the room.    So, CNN producer Peter Hambywas the only editorial member in the room.   Here is his blow by blow of this historic meeting.

Logistics: Your pooler was blocked by the campaign from attending the Karzai pool spray, along with other wires and print outlets. The only media representatives were a TV crew, producer and still four photographers. Several hours of pleas from different outlets were unsuccessful. Palin spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt gave this statement to the AP, Reuters and your pooler: “The decision was made for this to be a photo spray with still cameras and video cameras only.”

The decision was then reversed and your pool will be allowed in for the remaining two meetings. More on all of this below.

Now for the news:

Gov. Sarah Palin emerged from the Millennium Broadway hotel at 11:35am EST in a beige SUV headed for the InterContinental at 111 E. 48th St. Senior policy advisers Randy Scheunemann and Steve Biegun were outside the hotel waiting for her. Palin was wearing all black. No sign of Todd or the kids (your pooler did not see them, but has not confirmed they were not there).

Your pooler then ran into the hotel lobby and was restrained from boarding the crowded gold elevator, despite her shouting on behalf of the pool. The group of cameras returned via another elevator just a few moments later. When asked for an on-the-record statement, Schmitt offered up the above explanation. 

***From CNN’s Peter Hamby, who was the only editorial representative allowed in:

The press pool (still and TV cameras only, plus this producer) entered into Karzai’s sizeable suite at the Intercontinental shortly after noon. One handler, who did not appear to be with the campaign but rather with Karzais’ entourage, repeatedly said “No writers,” and he tried to keep this pooler from entering the room when he saw my notebook. However, Chris Edwards, Palin’s deputy chief of staff, allowed me to pass.

Palin was seated in a large chair a few feet from Karzai, with a table in between them. From the view of the pool cameras, Palin sat on the left, and Karzai to the right.

Seated slightly behind Palin were foreign policy advisers Steve Biegun and Randy Scheunemann, who are accompanying the governor in her motorcade today.

As the pool entered, the Afghan president appeared to be telling Palin about his young son, who was born in January 2007.

Palin, her legs crossed and at one point patting her heart, was leaning in eagerly and smiling. Karzai, wearing his traditional clothes but without his trademark karakul hat, was also grinning while discussing the child. His remarks were unintelligible as the noise from the clicking cameras drowned them out.

This was the only exchange that was heard:

“What is his name?,” Palin asked.

“Mirwais,” Karzai responded. “Mirwais, which means, ‘The Light of the House.’”

“Oh nice,” Palin responded.

“He is the only one we have,” remarked Karzai.

At this point, the pool was hustled out the room and down to the hotel lobby. Pool was in the room for a grand total of 29 seconds.

RELATED:  Newsweek Blog, Sarah Palin Afraid to Be In Room with Reporters

CNN’s story direct from Peter:   McCain Camp Tries to Keep Reporters Out of Palin Meetings

The AP Story On Girl VP Sarah Meeting the Men of the World

The Men Who Lead The World Meet the Girl VP




Chuck Hagel – the real John McCain of our times?

We may not always agree with Senator Hagel (R- Nebraska) but he is honest, truthful, doesn’t work for Republican spinners & he’s not afraid to say what we don’t want to hear.


Today  Joseph Morton writes in the Omaha World-Herald that Sen. Chuck Hagel doubts Palin is ready for national office.

Finally, an honest Republican politician! And, obviously it isn’t this woman.

Quotes from Republican Senator Chuck Hagel:

“She doesn’t have any foreign policy credentials.”

“You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don’t know what you can say. You can’t say anything.”

“I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, ’I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,’” he said. “That kind of thing is insulting to the American people.”

“But I do think in a world that is so complicated, so interconnected and so combustible, you really got to have some people in charge that have some sense of the bigger scope of the world,” Hagel said. “I think that’s just a requirement.”

“I think it’s a stretch to, in any way, to say that she’s got the experience to be president of the United States,” Hagel said.

What about the “lipstick on a pig” hoopla:    “It’s terrible,” he said. “It debases the system.”

Teddy Kennedy, Chuck Hagel & John McPalin

Related Articles:
Voters Pay Attention – Conservative Republican Tells the Truth About Palin
Rove: Palin excitement will subside