Posts Tagged ‘christian’

Hot Male Skin for the Pope - No Surprise There

I suspected that this Pope is a ho ho ho for young naked men but now we have the proof . . . still photos and a video.

This is a real photo and real video of the slow seductive strip tease, leading up to the big climax for the Pope and his beautiful male “secretary.

Watch as four Chippendale-like acrobats perform in front of Pope Benedict XVI and his personal secretary Georg Gaenswein (seated beside the Pope at the right side of the photo), during the Pope’s weekly general audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2010.

Today New Warren Video – Melissa Etheridge Should Give Up on This Guy

Two Lesbos Goin At It


23rd, afraid, breaking, christian, christophobia, dec 23, evil, families, gay, glbt, hollywood farm girl, homosexual, hurt childen, hurt families, inaugural, Invocation, latest, lesbian, lgbt, Melissa Etheridge, New, newest, Obama, out of the closet, pastor, preacher, Rick Warren, saddleback, security, Tammy Lynn Michaels, the choice is ours, thrift store, TMZ, today, two lesbos, update, video, watch, website, west hollywood

Click here> Shunning God – Does It Lead to Hooking Up? Two Lesbos Perspective

I stumbled on a website Agree in Prayer.  I suspect that the website was constructed for the sole purpose of using Sarah Palin as a means to attract attention.  If so, guess it worked on me.

I tried to find a website for the “Pastor’s” church but haven’t had any luck.  I did note this one comment on a blog but unfortunately “Dawn” didn’t leave an email address. 

“I am wonderfully blessed to be able to attend Life Covenant Church and have Pastor Mark Arnold as my teacher. I have the utmost respect and love for him and his family. He is truly anointed by God. All you have to do is hear him speak and you know instantly that God is speaking through him. When I heard about God using him to deliver a divine message to McCain and Palin I was not surprised. I just thank God that he was obedient and did what the LORD told him to do. My prayer is that this will start a fire in the Church, a world wide revival,and we will all stand up for God! Pray, pray, and pray some more. This is what it is going to take to defeat the enemy. Do not fear for God is with you!

Comment by Dawn Bowman — September 25, 2008″

“Pastor Mark Arnold” claims to have had a close encounter with Sarah and Todd Palin of a most unusual kind.  The “Pastor” says that God called on him to deliver a message to Sarah Palin.  God said that Sarah Palin is a present day Esther and that Arnold should seek her out to deliver the message. 

Arnold did just that.  He found Sarah Palin and among other things told her:

“God wants to tell you that you are Chosen for such a time as this!”
“You are called, and chosen to be a leader.”

According to Arnold both Sarah Palin and Todd Palin cried at hearing this news from God.  And, this is as far as I’m going in relating the story.  What follows below are the words of Pastor Arnold from his website Agree in Prayer.    You can watch the video below and/or go to the Agree in Prayer website if you want further information.  Also, Mr. Arnold’s email address is below. 

Have fun!

When McCain came to hug her… he immediately shook my hand and following his moment with her, I shook his hand as he grabbed my hand, now for the second time, and I said, “God wants you to know that I’m praying for you, Sir!”  He thanked me and kept smiling.  I repeated that phrase to him five times.  He grabbed my hands and looked right into my eyes and said, I won’t make it without prayer.  Sir, Thank You for praying for me, and don’t let one day go by that you don’t pray for me.  I need all the prayers that I can get. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”

     As he moved to my right, Sarah Palin, came over to my left side…standing over the crowd and  then looking at the little lady who had lost the son.  It took a moment for her to shake some hands and people were pushing in all around.  Sarah came and got on her hands and knees on that side of the stage and hugged that little Mom, telling her, “…it was not in vain.”  She promised her support. 
     It was at this moment Sarah Palin, reached out for me to help her up and as I was assisting her to stand was now face to face with her and GOD said, “Open up your Mouth and I will fill it.”
    Here is what came out…
“God wants you to know that you are a present day Esther!” 
[She immediately began to cry]!
“God wants to tell you that you are Chosen for such a time as this!”
“You are called, and chosen to be a leader.”
“Don’t lose heart and don’t fear man.”
“The news and nay-sayers and criticizers are going to be very hateful toward you…and in the days ahead they are going to turn up the heat…but do not fear.”
“You are a present day Esther.”   You are an Esther.  You are an Esther!
“Keep your eyes on GOD and know that He has chosen you to Reign!” “Stay strong…be strong…don’t tire.  Don’t be weary in well-doing.  Be strong.”
    Her husband Todd came over and I told him what I told her.  He began to cry.
I emphasized the fact that he was to guard her at this time…and know that
“…this is a GOD-THING and your wife is a Present day Esther…she is for God to use at this time…She is an Esther…she is an Esther…she is an Esther.”
“You will be hated…but stand strong…GOD has called both of you to stand!”
“We are praying and I am praying for you…!”
    At this moment, McCain came right to where I was finishing talking to Todd and I and I told Mr. McCain exactly what I told Sarah and Todd Palin.
“Mr. McCain, …they are called of God and she is an Esther.”
“Don’t lose hope and don’t lose heart.”
“We are praying for all of you!”
    He shook my hand and with a deep look of understanding what I had just said,
he said, “Thank you for your prayers and support…I really do mean that!”
And he turned and shook more hands…and I watched them as they went through
the crowd.
    When I got to my car I sat there for quite a long time…knowing the GOD of the Universe had just used me to deliver a message confirming to Sarah and Todd
to realize they are truly chosen vessels of God. 
    I wept.  I have not stopped praying and crying.  My heart is full knowing they had to have all the staging and all the hype and all the crowd…but the GOD of Heaven and Earth…wanted to give them a Divine-God-Appointment! 
    To God be all the GLORY and HONOR.
   I if anyone wants to know IF I BELIEVE GOD CAN SPEAK?  My Answer is – Absolutely Yes!
    Be praying for me.  And MOST OF ALL, Don’t let God always have to do His part alone.  You and I are called to Pray and intercede and influence others to Vote!
Stand on the Wall.  Make a difference and LIFT JESUS HIGHER ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Pastor Mark Arnold

This really ticks me off.  I mean really ticks me off.   Two small children have been raised for 5 years by 2 mothers.  One day the legally recognized mom decides that she wants out of the relationship.  Sometimes it’s because of another love interest, sometimes it’s because her brain was sucked out by the force of religion . . . it really doesn’t matter why. 

All that matters for the kids is that their parents are no longer going to live together.  It is a crushing blow to children.  Their parents are their anchor to the world.  Everything revolves around their parents. 

In light of the f – – – ed up law in the US, many gay and lesbian parents can take advantage of the situation.  You see in heterosexual relationships there are laws to protect these children and governmental systems put in place so that parents can’t deny a child their other parent just because of a breakup.   However, in the case of a lesbian relationship . . . it’s a cage match to the end. 

So here are these right-wing crazy fool Christian f – – – wads who come in and try to help the scum bag mother who would keep her children from their other mother just because she doesn’t want to be in a relationship any longer. 

Judges often see through this and rule in the best interest of the children.  And believe me, it is in the best interest of the children to assist them in maintaining a relationship with both parents. 

No, not to the right wing crazed Christian a-holes.  All they care about is making sure that the lesbian is punished.  Forget about the kids – get the lesbo.

Scum – they are scum.  They can’t believe the judge is going to let these children have contact with both of their parents.  I mean . . . really . . . the ex-gay mom bought and paid for them!  Here is a link – CLICK HERE.


UPDATE:  Here is another one from Pams House Blend.  Can you imagine how much these moms are spending to in order to try to keep in contact with their children.  It is criminal!

Yet Another Round in Virginia (So-Called) Ex-Gay vs. Vermont Lesbian Custody Battleby: KatRose
Thu Oct 02, 2008 at 13:41:04 PM EDT

 Pam reports on the (so-Called) Concerned (Occasionally) Women (cough! hack!) for America and their attempt to keep a mother from seeing her children.  Here is what the CWA wrote:

Please act now to pray and support Lisa Miller as she fights to keep her daughter, Isabella. Embroiled in a custody battle with her former lesbian partner, Lisa is now a Christian who wants to raise her own biological child but has been told by the Vermont courts that they may strip her of those rights. Pray for Lisa as she and her legal counsel attend a hearing that will take place on October 27, 2008, in Vermont. At that hearing, a judge will decide whether or not Lisa will be punished for supposedly disobeying the court-ordered visitation to a woman who is not biologically related to her child.

Lisa’s attorney, Rena Lindevaldsen, has written a letter to update everyone on Lisa’s current situation. Rena gives her own account of Lisa’s story and explains what will happen in the coming months. To read Rena’ letter, in its entirety, please go to

This is a long post.  I hope that you will read it.  I’ve finally come to terms with who John McCain is and who John McCain has always been.   And tell me, who are today’s men of integrity in the leadership of the Republican party?   Other than Senator Chuck Hagel from Nebraska, I honestly can’t think of one.  

So actually, it’s not just the Christian right catching on, I’m beginning to catch on too.  I have been shaking my head thinking that this isn’t the John McCain I had admired for years.  Well, maybe John McCain was never the man made by the media.   Reality has slapped me in the face seeing how easily we (including me) can be manipulated into accepting the media’s version of a politician’s history.

John McCain first came to Congress in 1982, not long after my father died.  My father was a hardcore Republican, retired from the Army after 32 years and one of the best fathers ever.  He was honest, hard-working, believed in the American system, made us watch all presidential annoucements (sit still, be quiet, and listen “the president is on”), helped out the neighbors, took time for his kids and he loved my mother dearly.   So I always thought that John McCain was like my dad.  Although I’m a hardcore Democrat – I always thought that if only a guy like McCain would head the Republican ticket . . . maybe . . . ?

My dad loved Barry Goldwater.  Another man that I imagined to be like my father.   You see my father – although a good man was also a bigot.   He had no time for silly topics like homosexuals or civil rights.  People basically needed to fall in line according to his way of thinking.   However, good Republican men like Barry Goldwater provided objective evidence that a good man like my father would also change his bigoted opinions as he gained more facts.   Unfortunately my father died in 1981.   He never said that it was “OK” that I’m a lesbian but before his death I could feel and see the flicker of understanding that was starting to grow.

The photo is is of Sen. Barry Goldwater, on the right, as he poses with his running mate William Miller at the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco.  I was 5 years old.  Miller was one of the prosecuters at the Nuremberg trials. Miller is the only practicing Catholic to have been nominated for national office by the Republican Party.  Mabye McCain picked Sarah Palin because she was baptized a Catholic?  And we thought it was her gender. 

By the mid-1980’s Republican men like Barry Goldwater were getting fed up with the increasing influence of the crazed far-right Christians on the Republican party.   You see my father didn’t have much use for them either.  

Anyway, Goldwater eventually became an outspoken defender of gay rightsSo even though my father didn’t live to make that change – I know that he would have because of men like Barry Goldwater and John McCain.

I’ve been a little shaken by the extreme nature of John McCain’s campaign.  Obviously the man is desperate to be president and that’s why he endangered the country by picking Sarah Palin as his running mate; but in my experience men like Barry Goldwater and my father would have never lowered themselves to this level.

However, when reading a post that I wrote back on September 16 and reading the Times gambling investigation I realized that John McCain was NEVER like Barry Goldwater or my father.  

John McCain has always been a cocky, shoot from the hip, gambling, womanizing, self-centered, power-hungry Republican.  

Today the papers are full of the stories about John McCain’s history of gambling (up to 14 hours a day at times) and his history of working with the casino lobbyists.   Here are a couple of quotes from one of the articles:

“We’ve known for a while of John McCain’s childhood connection to the region, where he lived for a short period when his father was serving a stint here as a Navy submarine commander. But it wasn’t until the results of a New York Times investigation were published earlier this week that we learned the extent of McCain’s involvement with another mainstay of eastern Connecticut culture, our casinos.”

“Of course more troubling than the disclosures in The Times story this week of McCain’s gambling in a Connecticut casino was the suggestion that he used his position as chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee to help lobbyists working to stop a third tribal casino in Connecticut.”

Now the big question is will McCain’s gambling ties hurt him with the Christian right-wingers.  In fact, check out this article from a CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) blog which describes the new Democratic National Committee’s ad featuring McCain’s gambling.    It’s written by David Brody of The Brody File.  Here is how the article ends:

“The DNC knows that McCain’s so called penchant for gambling can hurt him among some social conservatives. It may not play well with other strongly religious voters as well. Indeed, the last thing McCain needs is another problem with the Evangelical base. In this case, the gambling issue could most likely trump the lobbyist issue. I mean it’s not like he’s playing the lottery or bingo or a quick 25 cents slot machine. This is high stakes gambling we’re talking about. Then you throw in the lobbyist angle and you have a dangerous credibility issue. Will voters buy it and will it stick? Does this bother you?”

Here is the DNC video.  A link was provided in the Christian Broadcast Network blog entry:


What follows is my post from September 16, 2008.   Let’s just hope that the Christian Right is also waking up to the man we’ve all called an American hero. 


“Suppose Barack Obama had dumped a crippled wife and married a beer heiress one month after the divorce.  Don’t you think he wouldn’t have been tripped up by such a scandalous past?  The Republicans would have had a field day mocking his character. But John McCain’s tawdry personal history is rarely mentioned.”

Quote From CHICAGO SUN-TIMES COLUMN SEPTEMBER 16, 2008 by Mary Mitchell/Sun-Times

John McCain with the family he left

Actually, from the dates that I’ve seen, McCain obtained a marriage license to marry Cindy before the divorce was final . . . heaven forbid we talk about that with the family values crowd.

McCain did not sue his wife for divorce until Feb. 19, 1980.   McCain obtained an Arizona marriage license with Cindy on March 6, 1980, while still legally married to his first wife.  The divorce was granted April 2, 1980, and he wed Cindy “My Outfit Cost $300,000” Hensley in a private ceremony on May 17, 1980.

Friends of the McCains such as Nancy and Ronald Reagan were not happy with what John McCain did to his first wife.  Cleary the Reagans had good reason to feel this way.

Here is what John McCain’s been quoted as saying about meeting Cindy.

She was lovely, intelligent and charming, 17 years my junior but poised and confident. I monopolized her attention the entire time, taking care to prevent anyone else from intruding on our conversation. When it came time to leave the party, I persuaded her to join me for drinks at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. By the evening’s end, I was in love.”

But he WAS MARRIED with small children at home at the time of this romantic encounter.  Shorter version of story:   I was a dirty old man (as I still am) husband and father.  One night I got really horny when I saw this girl almost young enough to be my daughter.  So I immediately asked her to go to a hotel with me.  I thought it was the usual one night stand but when I found out she was rich I decided to dump my wife and kids.

I also don’t get why no one speaks of Cindy McCain’s history as a drug addict stealing from a medical charity.   The woman is RICH and well-connected.   She didn’t have to steal.   The fact that she’s a recovering addict really is no big deal – I mean Sarah Palin’s teenage son is apparently a recovering addict – in the scheme of things. 


Some say that Democrats should not talk about Cindy McCain’s history of drug addiction.   Fine.  Can we talk about having the first admitted thief as First Lady?  

My in-laws go on and on with their FOX News induced claim that Michelle Obama doesn’t love America.

Yet, we know very little about the made-up tranny mess Cindy McCain and her history of drug addiction and stealing from A MEDICAL CHARITY!  In fact, I’m not sure that the in-laws even know about Cindy McCain’s past. 

Guess it all comes down to this . . . if you’re the party of family values you can head your ticket with a guy who left his crippled wife for a trophy millionare tranny mess (also a thieving drug addict) and then top off your ticket with the mother of not only a pregnant teenage daughter but of a recovering addict teenage son . . . and your family values crowd won’t even notice  . . .  

Hey, but if you’re a politician who supports a family like mine (2 moms and a boy) .  .  .  the “family values” folks won’t be able to vote for you.   

All I can say is that McCain and Palin are the best advertisement yet for some form of government other than representational democracy.    

Are Civics/Government classes mandatory in any state’s public educational system?

Mrs. John McCain
Mrs. John McCain.  Hard working mother dumped for rich girl 17 years younger than John McCain.

John McCain and His Blonde Rich Young Trophy Wife

We had an earlier post regarding Palin and the witchhunter who “layed hands”on Sarah Palin. Here is some additional information about the church that Palin grew up in – the Wasilla Assembly of God.   The church members believe in speaking in tongues and divine healing as a privilege of Christians.

From the Wasilla Assembly of God website: 

Where I’m from we call these folks “Holy-rollers.” 

The church atmosphere is odd to say the least; however, the video is “a bit” hard to follow.

We know that on June 8, 2008, Sarah Palin spoke at the graduation ceremony for the “Master’s Commision” students at the church.   Portions of that video are within the video posted here.  You can see the entire Palin speech by searching our site for “Wasilla Assembly of God.”  

Here is the link for the “Master’s Commission” in Wasilla:    Palin’s address on June 8 was directly to the graudates of the program.

The “Master’s Commission website says, “During your time at MC:WA you will be trained and matured in the prophetic gifts, prayer and intercession.”

The Master’s Conference students from Palin’s church also participated in the Morning Star Prophetic Conference.  Check it out here:  The Master’s Commission site as a link to Morning Star Ministries:

Below the video is the transcript of what Palin told the graduates on June 8, 2008, and a reference by Palin to prophecy.

Sarah Palin at the Wasilla Assembly of God on June 8, 2008 speaking to the graduates of the Master’s Commision program. 

Oh, thank you so much for letting me be here! Thank you, Pastor. It was so cool growing up in this church, and getting saved here, getting baptised by Pastor Reilly, and little [inaudible] camp, freezing cold summer days that we had at camp, my whole family getting baptised when we were little, and, um, I want to tell the Master’s Commission students that, um, uh, just be amazed.

The umbrella of this church here, where God is going to send you from this church. Believe me, I know what I’m saying, where God has sent me from underneath the umbrella of this church throughout the state, and Alaska is all over the world map right now. There’s something going on in Alaska where, you know, we get calls in our office all the time from national media outlets and international media outlets just wondering what’s going on in Alaska. And I think there’s something going on here with where you all are going as Master’s Commission students and now graduates and what’s going on in the state of Alaska.

And a lot of people are looking at the state for our vast wealth that we, uh, are embracing right now. We’re the richest state in the union in terms of natural resources: our oil, our gas, our minerals, the gold that we have under the ground. We’re very very rich. But our most important natural resource of course is our people, and I’m thinking what I need to do is strike a deal with you guys as you go throughout Alaska. I can do my part in doing things like working really really hard to get a natural gas pipeline, about a $30 billion project that’s going to create a lot of jobs for Alaskans, and we’ll have a lot of energy flowing through here. And pray about that also. I think God’s will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that.

But I can do my job there in developing natural resources and doing things like getting the roads paved and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns and making sure our public schools are funded, but really all of that stuff doesn’t do any good if the people of Alaska’s heart isn’t right with God. And that’s going to be your job. As I’m doing my job, let’s strike this deal, your job is to going to be to be out there reaching the people, hurting people throughout Alaska, and we can work together to make sure that God’s will be done here. Um, let me go back to growing up here in this church. So many good memories here, Ed. I remember when you first got here too. And here I’m looking at your son Devon going, “You kind of look like him when you first got here.” Ha ha! And who am I to talk though, all those years ago? But

Todd and Christy, this is before they got married and I remember you guys hooked up at the Alaska State Fair, ’cause Christy, she was our, um, she was my nanny when my kids were real little and now my kids are real big. I have a new little one but my oldest, my son Track, he’s a soldier in the United States Army now. He’s an infantryman, and, um, so Track also sends his love to his former nanny Christy. And Track — pray for our military. He’s going to be deployed in September to Iraq. Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.

So bless them with your prayers; your prayers of protection over our soldiers. And speaking of Track also, he just turned 19 and when he turned 18, right before he enlisted, he had to um, get his first tattoo. I was like, “Nah, I don’t think that’s real cool, Son,” until he showed me what it was and then I said we did something right, ’cause on his calf was a big old Jesus fish. So that was OK. And then on his shoulder was, then he had to get another one on his shoulder, a big old map of Alaska with “the Valley” inked in the middle of it. But I was, “that’s enough with the tattoos, son!”

But, um, so, having grown up here, and having little kids growing up here also, this is such a special, special place. The Assembly of God here has been a real center point in the Valley for all these years, and the Valley has been a center point for the state of Alaska. So what comes from this church I think has great destiny. And I say this to the Master’s Commission students who have been here under this umbrella, who are going to be sent out now and bringing people in.

And I just say bless you. And you guys are just a bunch of cool looking Christians also. Ben, I don’t know you well yet, but looking at you I bet people are thinking they’re going to be interested in Jesus Christ through you because of the way you look: this red-headed Sasquatch for Jesus! You look good!

Times are really changing, and with the change looks even change. And that’s something that I noticed about you guys: hip and, uh, uh, uh, creative. I see a lot of creativity in all of you.

I just want to bless you, and oh, because I didn’t know if I was going to get here tonight, I flew in from Juneau last night and I fly again to Juneau tomorrow. So I didn’t prepare anything, thinking my schedule wouldn’t allow me to be here. But I have a word, but really I’m cheating ’cause it’s a, I think it was given to me today but I’m going to give it to the Master’s Commission students because I think it’s so applicable to they are headed. And this word was given to me, bless his heart, by Pastor Ed Kalnins this morning at our big Valley-wide church service.

It was called Ephesians 1:17, and this is what I want to pray over you guys too: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you a spirit wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, and that spirit of revelation also including a spirit of prophecy, that God’s going to tell you what is going on and what is going to go on, and you guys are going to have that within you, and it’s just going to bubble up and bubble over and, and it’s going to pour out over the state of Alaska. Again, good good things in store for the state of Alaska. Let us pray for God’s will to be done here, for all of your destinies to be met in this state.

There’s been so many words, Ed, over the state of Alaska, we being the head and not the tail, and, um, I see things now in the works it seems like, things like, that’s coming to fruition. Things are perculating! Things are coming along, and just, you know, uh, praying for an outpouring of God’s spirit here, that revival to be here in Alaska. So all you Master’s Commission students and all of your supporters, all of your friends and family and, um, your friends in this community and, um, throughout the state of Alaska, may you touch them all, and may Alaska be blessed through all of you guys, and I love you guys, and thank you so much for dedicating your lives to Jesus Christ! Thank you!

“I’m still proud of Sarah, but she scares the bejeebers out of me.”

The New York Times has a fantastic article on Sarah Palin’s background of hiring friends, acting in secret, imposing her extreme religious-right views on others and attempting to intimidate those who disagree with her.

Many of the stories go right to the concern that Palin and McCain represent more George Bush.   And, when lesbians are saying that Sarah Palin is one more bush that we don’t need near the White House – people should listen.

In one of her “good job, Brownie moments,” Palin appointed a friend as the Director of  the State Division of Agriculture.   The high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, was gifted a $95,000-a-year job because the former real estate agent had a childhood love of cows.  Yes, Brownie that would have also qualified you to run the $2 million agency.

The New York Times article also describes Palin’s assistant telephoning a blogger, “You should be ashamed!” Ivy Frye, the assistant, told the blogger. “Stop blogging. Stop blogging right now!”

You can check out Sherry Whitstine’s blog at: 

Here is a good question (think I’ll send it to the in-laws) that Whitstein poses to readers: 

Question? You have 60 Days to know something about this woman Sarah Palin. Why are most of the Christian so called conservative talking heads so easily deceived? I and many others in Wasilla have tried to reveal the true nature of Palin’s creditibility. In my case, I’m a conservative Christian, active Republican in the State of Alaska. Sarah has never been an active participent in this party. Hey, I live here and during these 19 month this woman has provided NO leadership. She has left rotten fruit and abuse of power and corruption as her legacy.


The Times article also claims that Palin appointed a pastor to the town planning board and Palin started taking a look at the town’s library.  “People would bring books back censored,” recalled former Mayor John Stein, Ms. Palin’s predecessor. “Pages would get marked up or torn out.”  The article also relates a story from 1995 regarding the children’s book “Daddy’s Roommate.” 

Palin, a city councilwoman, reported that she saw “Daddy’s Roommate” on the shelves of the town’s library.  Others suggested that Palin read it.  Reportedly Palin replied, “she didn’t need to read that stuff.“   One of the women relating the story said, “I’m still proud of Sarah, but she scares the bejeebers out of me.”

Another women who knows Plain says, “I was thinking, I don’t remember giving up my First Amendment rights.  Just because you’re not going gaga over Sarah doesn’t mean you can’t speak your mind.”

Too bad that we didn’t get a chance to take all of our children to the 2008 Values Voters Summit.  The values on display were  . . .  interesting. 

In the fervor surrounding the McCain – Palin presidential ticket, ‘values voters’ concoct ‘Obama Waffles’ in an effort to rally the conservative base to reject Barack Obama. The question is: is it in good taste?

A sermon that Gov. Palin attended last month suggests attacks on Israelis are because they refuse to accept Jesus as their messiah.  Read the transcript and hear the sermon.Sarah Palin has says she friends who are gay.  So, she can’t be that bad for us.   I’m sure she has many Jewish friends as well.   I can’t wait for the question, “So Gov. Palin are all non-celibate homosexuals going to hell?  What about the Jewish who don’t accept Jesus as their messiah, are they going to hell too?” 

The details:  Just two weeks ago, Palin’s church, the Wasilla Bible Church, gave its pulpit over to David Brickner, the founder of Jews for Jesus.   Palin’s pastor, Larry Kroon, introduced Brickner on Aug. 17, according to a transcript of the sermon on the church’s website .   “He’s a leader of Jews for Jesus, a ministry that is out on the leading edge in a pressing, demanding area of witnessing and evangelism,” Kroon said.The Anti-Defamation League has issued a report saying that Jews for Jesus has a history of “targeting Jews for conversion with subterfuge and deception.”

During the sermon at Palin’s church Brickner also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God’s “judgment of unbelief” of Jews who haven’t embraced Christianity.   As Andrew Sullivan says:

Yes, Sarah Palin sat in a church where this message was given. Two weeks ago. The karma in all this is just amazing:

Brickner also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God’s “judgment of unbelief” of Jews who haven’t embraced Christianity.

“Judgment is very real and we see it played out on the pages of the newspapers and on the television. It’s very real. When [Brickner’s son] was in Jerusalem he was there to witness some of that judgment, some of that conflict, when a Palestinian from East Jerusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment — you can’t miss it.”

Palin was in church that day, Kroon said, though he cautioned against attributing Brickner’s views to her.

How does Hannity deal with this? After what he said about Jeremiah Wright?