Posts Tagged ‘runway’

The Washington Post brings true clarity to the relationship between Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson.    Here is a screen shot of the Washington post report and photo:


Why post this?  Well, we wanted another reason to show a couple of heroes in the gay and lesbian community.  More importantly, this screen shot shows us what we would have been seeing over the last several months if a reputable news organization had been publishing the reports.

In other words, tabloids print the worst and ugliest shots that they can get of their subjects.   They try to make people look bad.  On the other hand, for those of us who usually follow more traditional sources of information about celebrities, we’re accustomed to seeing the BEST shots of celebrities.  We see the photos and video that put “stars” in their best light and that make these ordinary people look larger than life.

So as we watched these photos of Samantha Ronson over the last few months, we were shocked that such an “ugly” and ordinary person would gain the affection of Lindsay Lohan.

But look at this photo from the Washington Post.   Is that even the same girl that we’ve been seeing in the tabloids?

Bottom line – good news sources = good photos of celebrities.

Girls . . . do not screw this up . . . you’re making us too happy.   As Sarah (one of our readers) pointed out in a comment, you’re becoming so fantabulous together that not even Perez Hilton dare to deface a photo of you together.   Yes, even Perez  MANgina Hilton is falling in love with Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan.

Hugs and kisses to Sam and Linday,

One Lesbo and Lovely Spouse