Posts Tagged ‘dick cheney’

It’s hard to believe but Katie Couric has even more interview tape of Sarah Palin saying . . . stupid . . . things.  Here Katie wants the potential VPs to talk about Dick Cheney.

I’m still laughing.  The video is on top with a partial transcript below.    The transcript is directly from CBS News.

Katie Couric: What do you think is the best and worst thing that Dick Cheney has done as vice president?

Joe Biden: I’m not being a wise guy here … that I don’t know what he’s done. I mean, there’s not many things I’d pick that I thought he’s done that have been good. But I admire his strength. I admire his willingness to take positions that are completely contrary to popular opinion. But I think that what he’s done has been just, I don’t think Dick Cheney trusts that the American people can make judgments that are in the interest of the country. But the thing I think he’s really, really has done: I think he’s done more harm than any other single high elected official in memory in terms of shredding the constitution. You know, condoning torture, pushing torture as a policy. This idea of a unitary executive, meaning the Congress and the people have no power in a time of war, and the president controls everything. I don’t have any animus toward Dick Cheney but I really do think his attitude about the constitution and the prosecution of this war has been absolutely wrong.

Sarah Palin: Worst thing, I guess that would have been the duck-hunting accident, where you know, that was an accident. And that I think that was made into a caricature of him. And that was kind of unfortunate.

So, the best thing though, he’s shown support, along with George W. Bush, of our troops. And I’ve been there when George Bush has spoken to families of those who have suffered greatly, those who are serving in the military. I’ve been there when President Bush has embraced those families and expressed the concern and the sympathy speaking for all of America in those times. And for Dick Cheney to have supported that effort of George Bush’s. I respect that.

Speaking of little boys with two mommies, we haven’t heard much from or about little Samuel David Cheney .  Samuel was born in April of last year to his 2 lesbian moms Heather Poe and Mary Cheney, daughter of VP Dick Cheney.

This morning Early Show anchor Harry Smith asked Mamow Lynne, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney and mother to lesbian Mary Cheney, whether she wished her daughter would have the right to marry.

Lynn Cheney responded, “I would wish my daughter to have happiness and freedom to make her own choices.  The Vice President said in the debate with Joe Lieberman ever so long ago in 2000 that freedom in this country ought to mean freedom for everyone.”

Here is this morning’s clip is from the CBS’ Early Show, broadcast on September 15, 2008.  Anyone wanting to send Samuel David Cheney a gift might consider the Buddy G video that we plugged earlier today. 

Perez ManGINA Hilton is gaining a little favor with us since he’s been more supportive of Britney and a little less bitchy toward Samantha and Linday.  But damn if that mangina-boything-man-gay doesn’t make us laugh – even when we shouldn’t.  

Every blog is covering the Obama putting lipstick on a pig comment but only Perez had the ManGINA balls to actually give us the image:

Perez Hilton is a Bad Boy

Perez Hilton is a Bad Boy

Now this is a Sarah Palin picture that I won’t forget.  Lipstick on a pig . . . who originally thought of that?   And, why is it different than a pit bull with lipstick?  A least pigs aren’t banned in 25 US cities nor do they exhibit a lack of proper socialization as does Palin – I mean pitbulls with lipstick.

The Dallas Morning News points out the VP Dick Cheney likes the phrase.  In fact, they provide 3 dozen examples.  Click here for that story

And next . . . McCain using the phrase “Lipstick on a pig”:

But there’s more.  This time from Andrew Sullivan:

What Obama Should Say

10 Sep 2008 01:13 pm

A reader proposes:

“Yesterday I talked to a group of voters about how the McCain campaign is trying to call their continuation of just about every single Bush-Cheney policy of the last eight years “change.”  In doing so, I used a common, hundred-year-old phrase that we all understand: You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. Now the McCain campaign demands that I apologize for saying this.  Everyone, it seems, wants to hear my answer.  Here it is: NO.

Continue reading “What Obama Should Say” »

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 It’s About Judgment

We’re lesbians.  We love women but all we keep hearing is –  “Heck of a job, Brownie.”

There is one huge difference between Palin and Obama.  Obama was chosen by the Democrat voters across the US.   Did they exercise good judgment in their decision?  Did they pick the best possible person to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world?   Of course, they had a limited number of folks to choose from.  Also, politics play a large role.  Lots of factors can cause voters to be persuaded to vote for a particular person.

Turn to the selection of Palin.  There is 1 person we can look to and ask these questions.  In making his first important decision affecting American lives, did John McCain do what is right for the United States or is he just trying to win votes?

Did John McCain exercise good judgment?  Did John McCain pick the best possible person to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world?

Harriet Myers was a nice woman and maybe even a good attorney; but George Bush once again demonstrated his poor judgment in selecting her to serve on the US Supreme Court.  In fact, the selection was so bad that it had to be withdrawn.    Of course, the good news about Palin is that she’s a hunter and when the Republicans want to dump her they can just send her hunting with Dick Cheney.

The selection of Sarah Palin shows that once again John McCain will give us more of the same.  More George Bush.  More Bad Judgment.

After the jump a comment on Palin as a Stepford wife and bringing Cindy McCain into the all girls equation by attaching the word “trophy” to McCain’s pick.   Can McCain tolerate any other kind of woman in his life?  

RELATED POSTS:  Palin Gets The Call at 3 am – National Security Threat

                            Lesbians Love McCain’s VP

