Posts Tagged ‘bristol palin’

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Newest:  09/10/2008 New Sarah Palin Scandal from National Enquirer – Click Here

NEWER:  Scott Richter divorce file shows NOTHING to suggest an affair + ex-wife is certain that there was no affair with her ex.  See our posts today.

NEW:  As The Palins Turn – New Cast Member – Brad Hanson

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Now the Republican spinners are headed for Oprah. Oprah issues a statement. We have it.

Also, Todd Palin’s former business partner, Scott Richter, learned yesterday (September 4) that his emergency motion (filed 9/3/08) to seal his divorce records has been denied. 

The Palins also own a couple of apparently undeveloped properties up on Safari Lake [map]. These are owned in partnership with Scott A. Richter, a friend of the first family.

Is the amorous “business partner” Scott Richter?  Who knows but the Alaskans who seem to know all there is to know about each other’s lives.

To: An American In Dairyland

Also, Todd Palin was technically not Sarah’s first or maybe I should say her only Dude. The press or a blog mentioned a former boyfriend of hers by the name of Scott Richter. There could, I suppose, be another scandal brewing relative to him and his ex-wife, Debbie as well. It all depends how far back the liberals want to dig.

269 posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:24:33 PM by An American In Dairyland (BTW, I am a woman 🙂



The Palins also have a number of real estate holdings in Big Lake, AK co-owned by Debbie and Scott Richter. The properties are organied as “Richter Investments LLC.” The Richters also own a portion of the Palins residence in Wasila… (Assuming the Palins live rent free right now in the Governors’ Mansion in Juneau).

Interestingly, Debbie Richter was Palin’s campaign treasurer. Richter was awarded a job as the Director of the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend Division for her service. For those who don’t know, the State of Alaska gives its citizens “free money” checks every year out of this fund. This “free money” comes from oil royalties collected and investments. The Fund is currently worth $35 billion.

Would you choose the Governor’s campaign treasurer – and property co-owner – to honestly hand out oil royalties? Under her leadership in 2006, all Permanent Fund claims from residents (you have to make a claim for your check) were lost in a computer data entry failure…

Okay – now this is weird. We have 2 hot topics: Lindsay & Sam and Palin. Now they are as one.


Here it is Lindsay Lohan’s blog today. Lindsay is defending the girls of this world and telling us what she thinks about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy and about Sarah Palin.   Hey, Lindsay is an expert on being chased and abused by the media regarding her personal life.  Think that we’ll see her on Fox News tonight or maybe a speaker during the Republican National Convention?

Enjoy – click the image to enlarge:

There are FALSE stories flying all over the Internet about Bristol Palin and underage drinking photos. 


This includes the photos at Perez Hilton’s site. 

On another note, 2 other girls from a small town in Alaska are up shit creek.

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We’re not usually this nice.

An article of note (Back Off Bristol Palin) for the press and bloggers too:

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Thank God this photo is from the set of Labor Pains, Lindsay’s new movie.

Lesbian moms get enough crap from far-right wing-nut conservatives.    Hey Lindsay, you might want to get off the Red Bull even if you aren’t with child.

On August 15, 2008, researchers from the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital reported that just one can of Red Bull can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, even in young people: “One hour after they drank Red Bull, [their blood systems”] were no longer normal. They were abnormal like we would expect in a patient with cardiovascular disease.” Lead Researcher Scott Willoughby added that Red Bull “could be deadly when combined with stress or high blood pressure, impairing proper blood vessel function and possibly lifting the risk of blood clotting. 

Red Bull Australia spokesperson Linda Rychter responded that the report would be studied by the company, but added that the effects reported were no different to those experienced by drinkers of a single cup of coffee. 

Okay – now for the real Lindsay “news” which isn’t news to anyone with even half a heart (brains may not count here).

Lindsay’s MySpace blog seems to clear up the matter of her relationship status with Samantha Ronson.     For those alphabetically challenged “SR” = Samantha Ronson  “ILY” = I Love You.  Here is the screen shot and below, the lyrics to the song dedicated to Samantha.  

Lindsay's MySpace Blog - Click to Enlarge

From Lindsay's MySpace Blog - Click to Enlarge

Trouble – Listen To Samples and after the jump read the lyrics to the song dedicated by Lindsay to Samantha Ronson


09/10/2008 New Sarah Palin Scandal from National Enquirer – Click Here

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*Updated September 2 – New Video Available – Sarah Palin speaking at Assembly of God Church.  Church and State – Palin’s favorite mix. 

*Updated September 2 – Perez Hilton, YouTube and a boat load of others have photos claiming to show Bristol Palin drinking.  Those photos are NOT Bristol Palin.   There are no photos showing Bristol Palin drinking alcohol. 

In other news – 2 unknown girls from a small town in Alaska are reported as being up shit creek.

*Updated September 1

The New York Post has more details including quotes from the boyfriend’s MySpace page saying that he doesn’t want children.    Time also has an article.    You might also want to read the spanking given to McCain by Sally Quinn, a Washington Post reporter.    Here is a taste:


And now we learn the 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is pregnant. She and the father of the child plan to marry. This may be a hard one for the Republican conservative family-values crowd to swallow. Of course, this can happen in any family. But it must certainly raise the question among the evangelical base about whether Sarah Palin has been enough of a hands-on mother.

McCain claims he knew about the pregnancy, and was not at all concerned. Why not? Not only do we have a woman with five children, including an infant with special needs, but a woman whose 17-year-old child will need her even more in the coming months. Not to mention the grandchild. This would inevitably be an enormous distraction for a new vice president (or president) in a time of global turmoil. Not only in terms of her job, but from a media standpoint as well.

Although others aren’t so quick to want to jump in on this story.  Hilzoy says this:

Imagine yourself in her position: there you are, seventeen years old, pregnant, unmarried. Maybe you understand what happened and why; and maybe your parents and friends do as well. But zillions of bloggers and reporters and pundits are about to make the most personal details of your life into a political issue, and they don’t understand it at all. And yet, despite that, they are about to use you and your unborn child to score points on one another, without any regard whatsoever for you and your actual situation. 

I want no part of this. None at all.

You can read the rest of Hilzoy’s view here.  

Now, to the photos.  This is Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin; and a mysterious MySpace page that apparently no longer exists.   Click on the photo to enlarge.  Enjoy the photos of the Sarah Palin family and have fun trying to figure out why this would be of any significance to anyone except the immediate family.   We’re only posting because we have no shame and love readers. 

 Levi JohnstonBristol Palin

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In October of 2006, Sarah Palin took these positions on the issues: 

Now she tells us this:

Do they only have weird pregnancies in this family? Is the girl going to go to cheerleader camp in Texas, have her water break, finish that last cheer, then hop on a plane and have the baby like Governor Mom?   Lord only knows what we’ll be hearing about next.   What are Two Lesbos supposed to think about this one?

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:  Sarah Palin has announced that her 17 year old unmarried daughter is going to have a baby.  This post was written and re-written several times last night before the Palin announcement this afternoon. 

Last night, we took the post down since there was so much speculation (with some proof) as to what is (was) going on with baby making in the Palin house.    It all started when bloggers noted that the story about Sarah Palin’s last child didn’t make sense.   The accusation was that the baby was really her daughter’s baby.   Later, photos surfaced showing the daughter currently pregnant which does not automatically disprove the original theory that the last Sarah Palin child is actually a grandchild.

It felt a little yucky to discuss since the daughter in question didn’t decide to run for VP.  Today Sarah Palin confirmed half of the story.  The 17 year old daughter is pregnant as we suspected last night.  However, we were wrong in claiming that she is already married.  Apparently, first comes baby and then comes marriage.   Whatever . . .

So we’re reposting this today after the announcement by Palin.

Weird – just too weird.



Who knows! Certainly not 2 Lesbos Goin At It. We have no idea what to make of this entire mess about the baby(s) Maybe John Edwards is to blame.

The latest report is that one daughter is 17, married and missed several months of school due to an illness.

Here are some photos. I suppose the daughter could: 1) be wearing a dress that makes her look pregnant 2) is pregnant or 3) still looks a little pregnant from a recent pregnancy but we’ll need several more months to figure that out and . . . the election will be over.

Again, let’s just not talk about it and blame John Edwards.

Two final thoughts: 1) it sucks that the McCains seem to take lots of family pictures without their adopted daughter and 2) isn’t that the kid from the Adam’s family in the very front?

Oh, one more – it also sucks that people are writing about things so private to a family. Then again, they were trotted out as the Christian do gooders who no doubt favor that no sex till marriage education stuff which is hard for us to understand since they won’t let us get married. And, we all know that marriage is what actually stops sex.

Let’s just shut up about it all until more is known.  We’re done with our rumors on this one.

Actually one last thing again. Were the McCains trying to achieve this look?